5. Poslijediplomski tečaj u Stubičkim Toplicama

The Croatian Society for Pelviperineology brings together doctors interested in pelvic diseases, especially the area of pelviperineology and pelvic surgery. Pelvic area requires multidisciplinary and integrative approaches to numerous profiles. In that team work, they must collaborate with experts of many specialties. We include: gynecologists and obstetricians, urologists, physicians, neurologists, abdominal and pelvic surgeons, gastroenterologists and nephrologists, dermatologists, radiologists and other specialists. In the mentioned integrative and multidisciplinary approach, other health personnel are of special importance. We particularly emphasize the great value of work and collaboration with somatopedists, physiotherapists, osteopaths, work therapists and nurses.
The Croatian Society for Pelviperineology is particularly active in the field of education, clinical and research activities and in the field of enlightenment activities among health and non-health workers and the whole community. With such multidisciplinary and integrative approach, new ideas and approaches are developed for even more successful treatment of our patients.
Upravni odbor
prim. dr. sc. Damir Hodžić, dr. med. – predsjednik Društva
doc. dr. sc. Rajko Fureš, prim. dr. med. – dopredsjednik Društva
Dalibor Hržica, dipl. oecc. – tajnik–rizničar
Nadzorni odbor
Miroslav Lovrenčić – predsjednik Nadzornog odbora
Dr. Mario Fučkar – član Nadzornog odbora
Nikolina Sokalić – član Nadzornog odbora

Bračak 8, 49210 Zabok
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